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In the Supreme Court in Equity, David Vaughan et Al, Plaintiffs and James Smith et Al, Defen... by Vaughan, David, Smith, Jame... ISBN: 9781014685766 List Price: $15.95
Norway and Its Glaciers, Visited In 1851 : Followed by Journals of Excursions in the High Al... by Forbes, James David 1809-1868 ISBN: 9781015207677 List Price: $21.95
Tour of Mont Blanc and of Monte Rosa by Forbes, James David ISBN: 9780343503710 List Price: $27.95
Norway and Its Glaciers, Visited in 1851 by James David Forbes ISBN: 9781298867346 List Price: $28.95
Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers [Microform] : Now First Collected and Chronologi... by Forbes, James David 1809-1868 ISBN: 9781371968946 List Price: $26.95
Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers [Microform] by Forbes, James David 1809-1868 ISBN: 9781371968939 List Price: $16.95
Travels Through the Alps (Classic Reprint) by Forbes, James David ISBN: 9780364436455 List Price: $37.10
The Tour of Mont Blanc and of Monte Rosa by James David Forbes ISBN: 9780353536098 List Price: $46.95
The Tour of Mont Blanc and of Monte Rosa by James David Forbes ISBN: 9780353536081 List Price: $29.95
The Tour of Mont Blanc and of Monte Rosa by James David Forbes ISBN: 9780343503703 List Price: $17.95
Life and Letters of James David Forbes, F.R.S by Unknown ISBN: 9781318635108 List Price: $19.95
Testimonials in Favour of James D. Forbes... : As a Candidate for the Chair of Natural Philo... by Forbes, James David, Univer... ISBN: 9781010926450 List Price: $10.95
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